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At-Home Workout Favorites

Anna in different workout clothes.

At-home workouts are becoming some of my favorite things to do!

I’ve been working out consistently for over two months now and my mindset has shifted so much regarding exercising and working out. It has become a mental release for me and something that I don’t put pressure on myself to do. Let’s be honest, working out can be a comparison trap and something that stems from an unhealthy comparison to others…and that’s what the goal always was for me. Shifting my mindset from forcing myself to workout, to allowing myself to workout because I ENOJY It has been everything for me! Not trying to be perfect or look perfect or attain something…but just to sweat and mentally release. In the process, I’ve found five must have things that have been a game changer in working out!

Verb Bars

When I need something that is going to give me a slight boost before I workout, I always have one of these! I don’t like pre-workout or the way It makes me feel so this has become a great alternative. They’re 90 calories and have as much caffeine as a shot of espresso. If you want to try them out, click here to try all four flavors for $0.95 – you’ll love them as much as I do.

Resistance Bands

These have been great for added glute workouts! No matter what muscle group I’m focusing on I almost always add glutes at the end! I love the different levels of these…also they’re pretty so that was a deciding factor for sure.

Workout Clothes

I am the farthest thing from a workout gear snob…however I do require quality out of whatever I’m wearing. I hate when leggings roll down during ab workouts and when a sports bra keeps riding up. So with that said I can confidently say that Fabletics, all things considered, is my favorite workout brand. They have really high quality stuff but their prices are really low. Every few months I sign up for the VIP program, order some big hauls and then cancel until I need new items again. That is the best way to get those amazing prices! Here are my favorite items from them!

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Workout Mat

This is the workout mat I use and love! It’s a thicker mat and is great for ab/floor workouts. It rolls up and has a strap to carry to and from the gym if necessary.

OpenFit App

You guys, obsessed is an understatement with this new app. There are a ton of options for different workouts like cardio, stretching, HIIT, abs, etc. so you have everything you need in one place. If you like the feel of a class, there’s a live class schedule as well. I’ve been doing the XB Pilates class and It is my favorite kind of workout, I always feel amazing when it’s over and am already starting to see toning! They have a 21-day free trial you can try by clicking here.

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I think now more than ever we all need to move a bit more and have something that allows us to mentally release from all that’s going on! Workout, stretch, dance, just MOVE and you’ll feel so great after you do, promise!

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