“Oh, I finished my Christmas shopping last week.”
*She said in September*
Um, HOW?
Have you ever met someone who managed to have all of their Christmas shopping done upsettingly early?
These are the legends who shop on Black Friday — a Y E A R in advance — for their family’s Christmas gifts. Their wrapping paper is purchased solely the day after Christmas, and as a result, they don’t sweat the crowded malls (for those still inclined to enjoy an offline shopping experience) OR potential shipping delays (a uniquely 2021 problem). No, these champions of cheer are ruthlessly jolly in their approach to gift giving, and they will not find themselves with a single stocking unstuffed on December 1st, let alone Christmas Eve.
While N and I try our best to get our Santa Claus-ing done early, we weirdly enjoy the chaos of finding a gift last minute. Whether it be for that Aunt we didn’t know was coming to Christmas (we’ve got you, Aunt Kelly!) or one of our 30 nieces and nephews who came to mind when we checked our list again, there’s something especially joyful about shopping for family this time of year.
Regardless of when you checked your list the first time, if you have a “checking it twice” moment like we usually do, we hope this gift guide will give you some ideas to get the last minute yuletide job done without too much stress!

Today’s post is sponsored by Walmart.
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